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SSSD Completes Improvements Funded by Bond with Renovation of District Office

The Steamboat Springs School District (SSSD) has just completed a major renovation of its offices, which was funded by Measure 4C. This was a 20-year bond measure passed in November 2019 that provided $79.5 million in funding for capital improvements to SSSD facilities. The renovation of the district office was the last project to be completed with capital funding from the bond, and it marks the end of five years' worth of construction and improvements to facilities within the SSSD. 

Read More about SSSD Completes Improvements Funded by Bond with Renovation of District Office

Asbestos Annual Notification

In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). One requirement of AHERA is to notify in writing parent, teacher, and employee organizations of the availability of the asbestos Management Plan at each facility. This notification provides information of Steamboat Springs School District's compliance to AHERA.

The law requires all schools, kindergarten through twelfth grade, to be inspected for Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM). The law further required the development of a Management Plan outlining the organization’s intent on controlling and managing any ACBM in SSSD facilities.

The Management Plan includes an operations and maintenance program developed for SSSD schools. This program is the primary foundation by which the organization will control exposure to any asbestos-containing materials through a systematic schedule of monitoring, employee training, recordkeeping and periodic reinspections. Building Maintenance and Custodial Services staff receive asbestos awareness training to qualify them to conduct their routine activities around asbestos.

SSSD has maintained strict compliance with AHERA and will continue to do so. Abatement of ACBM  will continue on an as needed basis contingent of building remodeling, retrofitting, and maintenance of disturbed ACBM. Removal projects are designed and put out to bid by a qualified contractor.

Copies of individual building Management Plans are available for review at each school site and the District Management plan is available at the District office. 

For questions regarding asbestos, please contact Pascal Ginesta, Facilities manager, at

Master Facilities Plan 2019 Archives

Master Facilities Plan 2019 Archival Documents