SSSD Facility Security Features
The safety of our students, staff and community are our top priority. One component to ensuring the safety of our school community is having safe buildings and facilities. Below is an outline of the security features for buildings and facilities within the Steamboat Springs School District.
How we keep our buildings safe
The front door serves as the main access point to all our buildings. All other perimeter doors are locked at all times, ensuring that the buildings cannot be accessed from the exterior.
Each of our buildings features a secured entry vestibule. Visitors are welcome to enter this area, but further access is restricted. They must interact with a staff member before they can proceed into the building.
The glass in all our vestibules is equipped with a shatter-resistant film designed to enhance the safety and security of our premises.
All facilities have security cameras. At SSHS, for example, there are 250 security cameras both inside the building and throughout the properties’ exterior.
All the interior doors utilize a storeroom lock. Storeroom locks are used when the outside lever should be locked at all times. A key retracts the latch bolt and opens the door; when the key is removed, the door is locked on the outside.
All windows have blinds that can be drawn for privacy.
In all our buildings, we have the capability to lock off common areas.
Every building conducts an evacuation drill once a month. We also use this opportunity to test our buildings' emergency preparedness systems.
Four times a year, we have a lockdown drill. Law enforcement is always invited to attend these.
Whenever the fire alarm or lockdown button is activated, the alert system informs all other buildings and Routt County Dispatch of the emergency status, eliminating the need to call 911.