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Focus Area One

yampa valley high school exterior

What is Focus Area One? 

Learning Experiences that Support Students to Reach Their Fullest Potential

Priority One

Reaching Academic Potential

Steamboat Springs School District has strong and diverse programming that meets the needs of all students including Special Education, Gifted and Talented, and emerging bilingual learners.

Priority One Progress

chart showing progress on completing focus area one, priority one (3 out of 9 items)

Completed Items

  • Hiring of a school improvement coordinator to support data-driven instruction, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and educator training on data systems (EduClimber).

  • Steamboat Springs School District will secure a curriculum mapping platform that best meets the needs of schools and teachers.

  • Preschool programming will be available at every elementary school in SSSD.

In Progress

  • Develop structures for improved data uploading, analysis, and review at the school and district levels with a focus on improved multi-tiered systems of support (tier one instruction, tier two and three interventions). 

  • Curriculum review for alignment and gaps from kindergarten through graduation.

  • Align priority content area from kindergarten through graduation. 

  • Training is provided to all staff on the curriculum mapping platform requirements. 

  • District begins developing a comprehensive mapping structure within new housing platform including pacing guides and common assessments. 

  • Review and assess program effectiveness for emerging bilingual students, GT, SpEd, literacy and numeracy.

  • Identification of needs and targeted support and training for educators through Professional Learning Communities to implement up-to-date and current research-based strategies and practices for instruction and assessment.

  • Program redesign as necessary based on review of effectiveness. 

  • Review and design new teacher onboarding to align with curriculum, data training, and data-driven PLC structures to ensure data data-driven instruction and evidence based strategies. 

Priority Two

Inclusive Communities of Learning

Steamboat Springs School District learning communities are inclusive and reflect the diverse cultures, identities, and experiences of all the students in each classroom.

Priority Two Progress

chart showing progress on completing focus area one, priority two objectives (1 out of 5 completed)

Completed Items

  • SSSD staff and leadership will be trained in culturally responsive teaching practices.

In Progress

  • SSSD administrators will be trained in culturally responsive teaching practices. 

  • SSSD staff will be given the opportunity to pilot a Home Visit program. 

  • SSSD will continue to build on the Home Visit program with emerging bilingual families. 

  • SSSD staff will research strategies (including student identification tools and strategies) to increase diverse representation in advanced courses, GT programs, CTE programs, extracurricular programs/ sports, and post-secondary enrollment.

  • SSSD will implement strategies to increase diverse representation in high school Advanced Placement courses, CTE programs and extracurricular programs/sports, and post-secondary education participation.