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Steamboat Springs School District Recognized as “Accredited With Distinction” by Colorado Department of Education

Steamboat Springs School District Recognized as “Accredited With Distinction” by Colorado Department of Education


Soda Creek Elementary and North Routt Community Charter Garner Accolades for Academics

Steamboat Springs, Colo. - June 1, 2023 - The Colorado Department of Education recognized and celebrated schools and districts that won performance awards in the 2021-2022 school year at an awards ceremony earlier in May.

The Steamboat Springs School District (SSSD) was one of 11 districts in the state to be recognized as Accredited with Distinction. Districts Accredited with Distinction have earned 80% or more of possible points on the District Performance Frameworks. The District Performance Frameworks measure student performance in academic achievement, academic growth, academic growth gaps, and post-secondary and workforce readiness. Click here to view the full list of recipients.

“We are proud to be one of the only districts in the state to continually earn this distinction,” said Dr. Celine Wicks, SSSD Superintendent. “It shows our students are being challenged academically and are able to demonstrate their academic success through measurements outlined by the Colorado Department of Education.”  

Additionally, Soda Creek Elementary and North Routt Community Charter School received the John Irwin Award, which is given to schools that demonstrate exceptional academic achievement over time. These schools received an Exceeds Expectations rating on the Academic Achievement indicator of the School Performance Frameworks reflecting exceptional performance in Math, English Language Arts, and Science.

Soda Creek Elementary also received the Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award, which is given to schools that demonstrate exceptional student growth. On the school performance framework that is used by the state to evaluate schools, these schools "exceed" expectations on the indicator related to longitudinal academic growth and "meet or exceed" expectations on the indicator related to academic growth gaps.

“We set high expectations for our students at all levels of their academic careers, and I am proud of our students and staff for rising to meet the challenge,” said Amy Bohmer, Principal of Soda Creek Elementary.

“Our staff works hard every day to make sure our students have every opportunity to go above and beyond,” said Jaime Passchier, Principal and Head of School at NRCCS. “It’s an honor to see our hard work garner recognition.”


Media contact:
Laura Milius, Director of Communications (